How To Make A Homemade Organic Garden


Make a home garden

Much of the secret to being able to lead a sustainable and ecological life, passes through self-management and self-sufficiency in several aspects, is in food.

That's why at, in this sense, we are always sharing resources in the form of articles, videos and other tips that range from how to grow carrots to making homemade bread, through how to make fertilizers without chemicals or how to clean in an ecological way.

On this occasion, once again, we talk about the garden. In this case the home garden or home garden, as you prefer, for which you don't need a lot of space, it can be a very small piece of land on a terrace, and in this article we have thought about our readers who live in cities, therefore we are going to talk about an urban garden.


Home garden

It does not take a large investment to build your own mini garden, just a little information to give the initial kick and take the first steps in the task of planting and harvesting.

The first thing is to have a piece of land that does not have to be too wide since a vegetable garden for a family of four or five members requires just a few square meters of surface.


Homemade mini urban garden

Let's see what our idea of ​​home garden, or urban mini home garden, consists of and the things to take into account when building one.


The terraces

It is enough to have a few terraces to achieve good results. With about five we will have enough, because the secret is not only in the size of the garden but also in its care and system. In this sense, there are three fundamental aspects to take into account: rotation, the use of organic fertilizers and the association of plants.

 The earth

But before delving into the details of caring for the land, you must take into account the preparation of the land. It will be enough for the land to be cleaned, removing the weeds, stones and glass, and then establishing the terraces, which must have a margin of between 30 and 40 cm between each other, in order to be able to walk among them.

Experts in the field advise not to move the earth over and over again, but simply to integrate the earth clods with the natural soil, and then match the area with a rake.


The subscription

So yes, we will already be in a position to plant, although to take this step we must consider some aspects that will undoubtedly affect the good results of planting your garden at home. One of them refers to the use of organic fertilizers to enrich the land.

A good organic fertilizer can be created by yourself with organic remains such as eggshells, potato remains, manure, ashes, fruit remains, etc. You just have to put them on the ground evenly and then water the area to achieve good humidity or simply take the waste, pour water and cover them with a plastic so that it ferments and, then yes, throw them in the garden. Another way is to compost with vegetable remains to fertilize the soil.



This is how, with these basic requirements, we will fully enter the planting stage, which although it is a simple process has its secrets. The first thing is to think about what you want to cultivate because the options are very varied.

They can be broad beans, onions, cauliflower, beets or Swiss chard up to lettuce or leek. You always have to get the local planting schedule to know when to plant that later we will clarify in broad strokes how the garden is prepared according to the season and the use of greenhouses. The options are endless.


How to make a garden at home

At the moment of sowing there are two alternatives: by seedlings or directly, throwing the seeds in the ground. Normally, when direct sowing, many plants grow in the same place, so when they grow a little, the most vigorous ones are chosen and the ones that have grown the least are plucked.

This is done about a month. This technique is known as thinning. If seedling is chosen, seedlings should be placed in small containers as for a few seeds.

I normally use egg boxes that go very well and are biodegradable as well. You can use the rolls of rolls of toilet paper or kitchen paper, we put dirt, mixed with hummus or compost and a little sand or coconut fiber to have a good drainage.

We put a couple of seeds per container and wait until we have a small plant or plant that we will then transplant to its final place after 30 to 45 days. Thus, in the germination and growth phases, when the plant is more fragile, we can have it controlled in climatic matters, water, etc.

The mini garden of one square meter

Many people who have little space at home think that they cannot grow their own food. But this is not so if even a small part of the food can be grown at home there are many solutions for small spaces.

Growing part of our food contributes to lower the carbon footprint of the home and we get clean food without pesticides, it is also therapeutic and helps to entertain the little ones.

This system specially designed for small spaces is increasingly popular with urban gardeners. It can produce enough to supply a person for a whole month.

Its small size makes planting, watering and harvesting simple without much effort. In addition, it can be done on a raised table and thus bring the crop closer to people with reduced mobility.

The system is simple. The square meter is drawn on the ground, or a one-square-meter drawer is made and then divided into equal 25 cm squares per side. Inside each square there will be a different vegetable or vegetable.

The most advisable foods to grow with this system are:

Small plants: radish, carrot, onion, spinach, beets, lettuce and sauce.

Large plants: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, and peppers.

Vertical plants: tomato, cucumber, green beans, peas and beans.


The ideal materials to build this garden are wood, reeds, iron or copper tubes, and above all we must try to avoid plastics.

Plants should be placed from largest to smallest, to ensure that they all receive sunlight. Vertical plants such as tomato plants or cucumbers must be hung to optimize space.

Crop rotation is automatic. For example, a crop that requires more time, such as tomato, is planted among other faster crops so these are harvested just when the tomato plant is going to require more space.

Another issue to keep in mind in this mini home garden is that this system prevents the appearance of weeds and pests, thanks to the great diversity of crops, and the land we use must be rich in organic matter.


Tips to keep in mind in your home garden

A great advice from experts highlights the association of crops, that is, planting together those plants that somehow benefit from each other. It may be because they are supplemented with their nutrients or because some of them repel insects. Some examples? Beets and carrots, basil and tomato, also lettuce and spinach.

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